How to Upload Guild Image in Bdo

Clan vs. Guild

Clans are purely for social gatherings and can only accommodate up to fifteen people. Anyone can create a Clan past talking to the Guild NPC. Once you accept created a Clan yous can invite other players by going up to them and using the clan invite option. Clans tin can also be disbanded at any time by opening the clan window. You cannot change the leadership of a Clan.

Guilds are much larger and tin can suit upward to 100 people. Guilds can do gild missions, tin benefit from sea monster hunting and can craft order specific mounts such as the society elephant and galley. Guilds can likewise declare wars and take part in sieges. You can change the leadership of a Guild for the price of 20,000,000 guild funds if the master has not been agile for xxx days.

How to create/disband a Guild

To create a social club you will need 100,000 silver. Talk to a Club Managing director NPC to create a society. If you already have a Clan yous can upgrade it to a lodge only information technology volition require the same amount of silver. Yous will keep the clan proper noun when yous upgrade to a guild and you volition demand to assign a contract to each of your members.

Guild names tin have up to 10 characters and can not include swear words or special characters.

Guilds start off with 80,000 silver in the guild bank. These funds tin but exist controlled past the guild master and can not exist used for personal use.

To disband a order, the guild must have no members.

How to upload a Lodge Icon

Images must be 60×60 pixels and .png files.

To upload the the image put it in your "Documents/Black Desert" folder with the proper name "Gmark.png".

Next y'all will need to buy a [Guild] Emblem Document from the Guild Manager NPC. This costs 100,000 silverish. In one case you have the token go to your guild window by pressing "One thousand" and click "Apply Social club Emblem". Gild Emblems are just updated every Mon.

Recruitment & Contracts

  • To invite another player to join your guild, get up to them and click the lodge invitation interaction. You tin can also invite a member by clicking their name in the conversation box. You must be in the aforementioned channel to invite someone to your guild. To become a member of a guild, the player volition then need to sign a contract.
  • If a member is kicked from the guild while still nether the contract, they will be paid 3 times the amount of their daily pay.
  • If a member leaves the guild while nonetheless under the contract, they will take to pay the penalty fee every bit a cancellation charge. If the fellow member cannot afford the fee, they volition not be able to leave the guild.

When a player is first recruited into a new guild, they are given the rank "Apprentice" and are unable to receive guild bonus payout (incentive). They are unable to be promoted during this time as well. Subsequently xiv days, the player will automatically exist promoted to a General rank member.

Once a contract runs out, the fellow member is complimentary to go out the guild with no penalization and the order master is free to kick the member with no punishment. You tin can only join a new social club 24 hours after leaving your last society.

Below are a list of all the standard club contracts.

Duration Daily Pay Punishment Fee
i day 1,000 silver 500 silver
7 days 7,000 silver iii,500 argent
fourteen days 14,000 silver seven,000 silverish
30 days 30,000 silver xv,000 silverish
180 days 180,000 silvery 90,000 silvery
365 days 365,000 argent 182,500 silver

Contracts can be renewed 24 hours after they were given by the order chief or officers. But the guild main can renew officeholder contracts or quartermaster contracts.

Contracts tin also be upgraded over fourth dimension to surrender to a maximum of five million silverish a mean solar day. This is done by increasing your social club activity and getting your contract renewed with a heighten.

If the guild does not have enough funds to pay a members daily pay, gild features volition begin to disable and worsen as fourth dimension goes on. Some features that will be disabled are: society quests, contribution reward rates and member contracts. If the guild is also nether siege, they will only exist able to defend, they volition not be able to attacking the opposing guild structures.

When guild funds are negative, any of the guilds members too as the mastercan put silver into the guild banking concern. Members that are nonetheless under contract can besides leave freely without having to pay the contract fee.

Support Funds and Revenue enhancement

Each Mon at 00:00 a support payment is too automatically given to the guild.

The larger the guild size, the more funds will be paid to the club.

Club size Back up payment
Small 100 meg silver
Small 100 million silverish
Pocket-sized 100 million silver
Small 100 one thousand thousand silver
Medium 200 million silver
Big 300 million silverish
Extra large 400 million argent

Nevertheless, guild support funds are but paid if at that place are more than than 10 lodge members are continued at the time of payment.

In addition, for Guilds with Club Funds over twenty billion Silver, Gild Welfare Reserves tax rates will exist taken every  Monday at 00:00.

Guild Funds Revenue enhancement
1 – four.9 Billion Silver 1% of Guild Funds
5 – 9.9 Billion Silver 3% of Society Funds
10 – 19.ix Billion Silverish 5% of Guild Funds
20 – 29.9 Billion Silver 10% of Guild Funds
thirty – 49.nine Billion Silver fifteen% of Guild Funds
50 – 89.nine Billion Silverish 20% of Social club Funds

For example: if the Guild Funds are over 90 billion Silver, then 20% (18 billion silverish) will exist taken for the Gild Welfare Reserves.

Lodge Bonus Payout (Incentive)

Guild Bonus Payout is only available for guilds with at least 30 members (excluding amateur members). The Gild Bonus tin exist used weekly (resets every Sun at 00:00) and must exist betwixt 10% – forty% of the total Guild Funds. If the bonus is over 500 million, and so a 50% taxation is applied. If the bonus is over 1 billion silver, a 70% taxation is applied.

One time y'all have selected your Bonus Payout, yous can distribute information technology to members in your social club. Each member can be set a level between 1 and 10 and this is used to summate the amount of silver each histrion receives. The higher level, the higher cut they receive out of the total bonus.

All members (excluding apprentice members) volition be paid.

Guild Activity

To gain order activity, you must have an active contract. Y'all will gain guild activity every fourth dimension you contribute to your society experience. This can be washed by leveling up a profession, gaining contribution points or increasing your maximum energy. The fastest way to earn a lot of social club activity is by contributing to guild missions.

In the Club Member Condition window, at that place are two numbers in white and green which indicate a members activity points in the guild.

  • White numbers are your full activity and will carry across if you change guild merely will be halved.
  • Whilst the dark-green number is the amount you take earned whilst under your electric current contract. The green number volition reset every time yous take a new contract.

Each time you lot earn 100 action points, yous are able to earn a ane% raise for your next contract renewal (max 100% / 10,000 action points).
For example: If y'all are on a 7 day contract with 7,000 silver a solar day, and y'all earn 10,000 activity points, you can then be offered whatever other contract with a 100% raise, such as a 7 24-hour interval contract with 14,000 silver a day, or a 30 solar day contract with 60,000 silver a day.

Ranks & Permissions

There are currently 7 ranks in a guild. These are shown below with with the permissions each rank has.

Guild Chief (only i Order Chief per guild):

  • Disband the order
  • Change the Lodge name or Emblem
  • Bid on a Guild Auction Business firm
  • Destroy Order Mounts
  • Reset Guild Skills
  • Request/Accept Final Battle
  • Recruit members and promote them to higher ranks
  • Set allowance for members
  • Renew/alter Gild Member contracts
  • Learn Guild Skills and employ them
  • Utilise Social club Crafting
  • Distribute Bonus (Incentive)
  • Requite members protection buff and prepare the capacity
  • Increase Guild fellow member chapters
  • Utilize /Reserve Arena of Arsha
  • Ban Guild Members
  • Install Guild Mount equipment
  • Gild Boss Subjugation
  • Declare/Withdraw from Wars
  • Post Lodge Notifications and change the guild description/saying of the solar day
  • Collect Order Support Funds
  • Hire State of war heroes
  • Repair Guild Items
  • Install/remove annexes for nodes
  • Apply the guild storage
  • Use society processing
  • Use the order store

Counselor (only 1 Advisor per club):

  • Can be appointed master if the current club master has been offline for fifteen days
  • Modify the Guild Keepsake
  • Recruit members and promote them to college ranks
  • Gear up allowance for members
  • Renew/change Lodge Fellow member contracts
  • Larn Guild Skills and apply them
  • Use Guild Crafting
  • Distribute Bonus (Incentive)
  • Give members protection buff and gear up the capacity
  • Increase Social club member capacity
  • Employ /Reserve Arena of Arsha
  • Ban Club Members
  • Install Guild Mount equipment
  • Guild Boss Subjugation
  • Declare/Withdraw from Wars
  • Post Gild Notifications and change the guild clarification/saying of the day
  • Collect Club Support Funds
  • Hire War heroes
  • Repair Gild Items
  • Install/remove annexes for nodes
  • Use the guild storage
  • Use guild processing
  • Use the guild store


  • Can be appointed master if the current guild primary has been offline for 15 days
  • Recruit members
  • Renew Guild Member contracts
  • Utilize Club skills that have been learned
  • Give members protection buff
  • Ban Guild Members
  • Guild Dominate Subjugation
  • Declare/Withdraw from Wars
  • Post Guild Notifications and change the guild description/saying of the day
  • Collect Guild Back up Funds
  • Rent War heroes
  • Repair Guild Items
  • Install/remove annexes for nodes
  • Utilise the guild storage
  • Use club processing
  • Use the society shop


  • Install/remove annexes for nodes
  • Use the guild storage
  • Use guild processing
  • Use the lodge store


  • Apply the guild storage
  • Employ guild processing
  • Use the gild store


  • Use the guild storage
  • Use lodge processing
  • Use the guild shop
  • Cannot receive Guild Bonus Payout (Incentive)
  • Automatically assigned when yous join a new guild
  • Automatically promoted to Full general 14 days after joining the guild

Banking concern & Shop

The club banking company/funds are used to pay the salary of members or buy items from the order shop. Daily bacon will exist distributed each day at midnight and the guild member must accept the bacon the same day.

The guild store can be accessed by the guild lmaster, officers and quartermasters. The guild master can use the club funds with no limits, but must set an allowance for any other member to be able to use funds in the store. For instance, 10 million argent tin be allocated to a member to use as allowance. Once this has been used upwardly, information technology must exist given again past the guild main.

Items offered on the shop include: cannons, cannon balls, traps, ships, forts and Pledge of Blood.

The guild store can exist accessed by Quartermasters, Officers or the Guld chief, using a Supply Depot in a Node State of war/Siege. The following guild shop items can be useful for Node War/Siege:




These pots tin can only exist used during Node War/Siege.

[Practice] Lynch Cannon & Practise Cannonball

Used to practice firing cannon assurance

It cannot be used during a Node War/Siege.

It does not harm enemies.


Traps deal impairment to enemies when they are stepped on. There are unlike types: Talocrural joint, Flame, Stun, Venom.

They can be installed around your fort. Iii traps per person can exist installed.

Elephant Trap

When y'all step on the trap with an elephant, the rider volition be thrown off.

You lot tin can install three elephant traps per person, just similar regular traps.

Fort & Control Post

A fort/control post must exist built to participate in Node State of war/Siege.

There are unlike sized fort/command posts with diferent HP amounts: Square Fort, Strong Square Fort, Sturdy Foursquare Fort, Sturdy Octagonal Fort.

Siege Defense Tower

Protects the surface area effectually the Fort/Command Post

Tin simply be congenital before Node Wars/Siege.

Siege Buildings

These tin exist placed effectually your fort/command mail service to assist defend. Siege buildings include: Barricades, Supply Depot, Recovery Center, Hwacha, Flame Tower, etc.

Guild Missions

Guild Missions are quests that the Guild Master or Officers can select from the Guild Missions Menu. These quests will evidence up on the guild menu on the 3rd tab, which y'all can open by pressing "G".

The available quests volition change every 10 minutes and are different on every channel. A guild can but take as many as 10 misisons a day and must be online to accept and consummate them. Y'all can merely do one guild mission per aqueduct at a fourth dimension.

The number of gild quests available to you depends on the size of the gild. Larger quests requite more rewards and more than guild exp/gold.

The guild menu will give a description of the quest objective, the amount of time you have to complete the quest and the gold reward.

Other rewards the guild will earn from society quests include society experience and gild boss scrolls. Guild experience is required to unlock club skills.

Guild members tin can also gain individual rewards past contributing towards a club mission. Guild action is earned to upgrade your guild contract, and you tin can also earn actress silver depending on your contribution to the mission.

For the silver reward, you can obtain up to half of the silver of the guild funds set up for society mission rewards. The silver volition be divided between all the guild members that participated. This silvery reward is deducted from the Guild funds and can be nerveless using the "Collect Wage" button on the Guild Missions tab.

For a full list of Social club Missions I recommend checking BDOCodex here: states of america/guildquests/

    Guild Skills

    Each fourth dimension a club member earns Contribution experience or completes a guild quest, the club earns experience equally well. When the guild levels up, the Lodge Chief tin can invest points into guild skills and unlock them.

      In that location are passive skills which are applied immediately after the lodge main has put points into them, and there are also active skills which require an item called "Pledge of Blood". The particular tin can be bought in the order store for 3k argent each and tin only be used by the guild masteror officers. All members with a gild contract will receive the buff equally soon as points are put into the skill.

      Icon Skill Name Details Icon Skill Proper noun Details
      Horrors of Battle Upshot: Max HP +1000
      (only during Conquest/NW)
      Duration: 10 min (lost on expiry)
      Requires: Pledge of Claret x500
      Cooldown: ii hours
      Command to Get together Consequence: Teleport all members to your location
      (must click the icon in the meridian to TP)
      Elapsing: TP remains for ten minutes
      (tin only be used by Guild Main)
      Requires: Pledge of Claret x250
      Cooldown: 11 hours
      Frenzied Fighter Consequence: All debuff resistance +10%
      (only during Conquest/NW)
      Elapsing:3 min (lost on death)
      Requires: Pledge of Claret x700
      Cooldown: 30 mins
      Level ane – three
      Level 1: Siege Weapons Damage Resistance +10%
      Level 2: Siege Weapons Damage Resistance +25%
      Level 3: Siege Weapons Harm Resistance +fifty%
      Experienced Weep Effect: Combat EXP and Life Skill EXP Gain +10%
      Duration: sixty min
      Requires: Pledge of Claret x25
      Cooldown: five hours
      Regained Senses
      Level 1-3
      Level 1: Karma Recovery +v%
      Level 2: Karma Recovery +10%
      Level 3: Karma Recovery +15%
      Duration: lx mins
      Requires: Pledge of Blood x100 (+50 per level)
      Cooldown: five hours
      Money Maker Event: Luck +2
      Duration: sixty min
      Requires: Pledge of Blood x25
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      Nimble Fingers
      Level ane-3
      Gathering Level +i (per level)
      Phone call to Battle Effect: Combat and Skill EXP Proceeds +10%
      Duration: 60 min
      Requires: Pledge of Claret x25
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      Sharp Optics of a Gatherer Effect: Gathering EXP +v%
      Duration: 60 mins
      Requres: Pledge of Blood x250
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      Battle Reorganization Effect: All guild members HP +3000
      (but during conquest/NW)
      Duration: Instant
      Requires: Pledge of Blood x900
      Cooldown: 30 mins
      Art of Fishing
      Level one – 3
      Fishing Level +i (per level)
      Intimidating Force Event: Ignore All Debuff Resistance +10%
      (but during conquest/NW)
      Duration: three min (lost on death)
      Requires: Pledge of Blood x700
      Cooldown: 30 mins
      Angler'south Wisdom Result: Angling EXP +5%
      Duration: sixty mins
      Requres: Pledge of Blood x250
      Cooldown: five hours
      Consummate Perfection Effect: Life EXP +20%
      Elapsing: 60 mins
      Requires: Pledge of Blood x300
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      Skilled Rider
      Level 1 – three
      Level 1: Trade Item Protection +ten%
      Level 2: Trade Detail Protection +25%
      Level 3: Trade Item Protection +50%
      Sweet Luck Effect: Item Drop Rate +2%
      Duration: 60 mins
      Requires: Pledge of Blood x200
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      Merchan'ts Art of Persuasion Result: Merchandise EXP +5%
      Duration: lx mins
      Requres: Pledge of Claret x250
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      State of Perseverance Effect: Combat EXP +20%, Skill EXP +20%
      Elapsing: 60 mins
      Requires: Pledge of Blood x300
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      Scholarly Ambition
      Level 1 – iii
      Level 1: Hazard to Proceeds Noesis +5%
      Level 2: Chance to Gain Knowledge +10%
      Level iii: Chance to Gain Knowledge +15%
      Elapsing: 60 mins
      Requires: Pledge of Claret x100 (+50 per level)
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      Furious Roar
      Level 1 – five
      +ane% Accuracy per skill level
      Up to +5% Accurateness (passive)
      Endeless Exploration Event: Chance to gain Higher Class Cognition +2%
      Duration: lx mins
      Requres: Pledge of Blood x300
      Cooldown: 5 hours
      Battle Roar
      Level one – 5
      +1 AP per skill level
      Upward to All AP +five (passive)
      Fully Prepared Allows y'all to employ a Mount Office Workshop at a Guild House
      Flame of Life
      Level 1 – 5
      +xx HP per skill level
      Upwardly to Max HP +100 (passive)
      Monstrous Force
      Level 1 – 2
      Allows you to utilize the Elephant Nursery at a Order House
      Level ii allows you to craft gear for the elephant
      Flame of Protection
      Level 1 – 5
      +one DR per skill level
      Up to Damage Reduction +5 (passive)
      Edifice Gunkhole
      Level 1 – 2
      Allows you to apply the Shipyard at the Guild Firm
      Level 2 allows you to create send parts
      Keen Insight +ane% Evasion per skill level
      Upwards to Evasion Rate +5% (passive)

      Ample Storage

      Level 1 – 24

      Increases Gild Storage Space
      Level 1 – ten: +two slots per level
      Level eleven – 14:+iii slots per level
      Level xiv – xvi: +4 slots per level
      Level 17 – 19: +5 slots per level
      Level 20 – 22: +6 slots per level
      Level 23 – 24: +7 slots per level
      Call of the Lord Consequence: Lodge members Max HP +100
      (only during Conquest/NW)
      Duration: 10 mins
      Requires: Battle Roar – level five
      and Furiour Roar level 5
      Cooldown: 5 hours

      Node/Siege Wars (War Heroes)

      I highly recommend checking out our Node State of war guide for an indeph wait into how Node wars work, how to build your fort, how to gear up for a node war and strategies during the nodewar.

      Guilds can ain and fight over Nodes and Regions to control them and will earn silver for controlling a node. These are known as "Node Wars" or "Siege Wars".

      To compete for a certain territory, a guild must build a fort inside the node territory. The Lodge Master or Officers tin buy the design for the belfry at a Guild Manager NPC.

      The winning guild of a Node State of war is the last to accept their siege tower nevertheless standing. The social club will then receive the bonuses of controlling a node until the next Node War begins and they will automatically take part to defend their node.

      To participate in a Node War/Seige, each member must change their "Participation" to Yeah in the society member list window. After, you lot tin collect your advantage by clicking "Collect Advantage" at the bottom of the window. You will receive Shining Medal of Accolade x1 – x5 depending on if you win the war or not. These can exist exchanged for various items.

      If you have room in your guild for more members, you lot tin can hire "War Heroes" to fight for your guild during Node wars and conquest wars and receive rewards. For example, anActress large guild that has 66 members tin hire a maximum of 34 State of war Heroes.

      War Heroes are given a unlike contract that lasts until 24:00. The contract is automatically terminated and cannot be cancelled early.

      When you join equally a War Hero, a certain per centum of the guild funds are given to you as a down payment (upwards to ten one thousand thousand silver) when yous leave the society. If you win, a victory reward will be given too (upwardly to 20 million silver).If the territory is liberated or the lodge did non participate in the warfare, the money will be return to the lodge at 24:00.

      PVP & War

      To declare war on another gild yous volition need ane,000,000 silverish in the guild bank. You tin can declare war on up to 4 different guilds at the same fourth dimension. If the guild doesn't declare back, it will cost the declaring club 300,000 silver every two hours of the war. Order war information can be seen in the social club window by pressing "G". Any guild can declare war at any time regardless of their members levels or gild points.

      Once you accept declared state of war, both guilds can PvP each other freely in combat areas without karma penalties. The gild master can cancel the war after a to the lowest degree an hour, past pressing the "Stop" button in the guild window.

      All members will automatically accept office in the War. The order master can select up to 10 members, using a gild skill (twenty members at max lodge skill), to be exempt from gild wars. If a member is declared as "exempt" this cannot exist changed for at to the lowest degree 24 hours. The Guild Master and Guild Officers cannot exist "exempt" from guild wars.

      Vacation Status

      Holiday status tin can now be given to a member of the social club. The fellow member must place themself in Vacation status (you can't place someone else in it). Members who are on Vacation volition not receive any guild benefits and will not affect the number of guild members, only they are nevertheless in the lodge. If you are on holiday, you cannot receive daily salary, participate in guild missions, declare state of war, recruite members, or boot members. Yous likewise cannot participate in Node/Siege wars or be a War hero.

      To become on Vacation or return, click the Vacation/Render button in the Order Information window. At least 4 hours must pass after y'all click return to participate in a Node war/siege. If a War hero is taking your place, you cannot render until the contract expires every bit yous volition non have a spot in the guild.

      Housing (Guild Elephants)

      Guild housing is available in Cities only and unlike normal housing, you practise not purchase the guild house with contribution. Instead
      Guild Houses are obtained by participating in the Social club House Auction.

      A order house sale takes place every 2 weeks on Fridays at 16:00 CET for Eu, and 16:00 EST/13:00 PDT for NA.

      The auction lasts 24 hours and the club master must place a bid at the Guild Manager NPC using the lodge funds. You can place up to three bids but it is a blind auction, significant you can't come across what price other guilds have set up. If you are the highest bid, yous will get a message saying "Your bid of x Silverish has been placed every bit the highest bid".

      If you win the auction so your guild at present owns the house for 2 weeks. You must also pay a maintenace fee everyday at midnight, this fee is automatically taken from your society funds and depends on the price you bid for the business firm. If you were unsuccessful in the auction so you can think your bid past speaking to the Club Manager NPC.

      Owning a
      gild firm allows y'all to:

      • Railroad train Elephants – Captured baby elephants can be raised and upgraded at the guild house using the Elephant Plant nursery. Cheque out our Elephants guide here!
      • Build Ships – Y'all can craft a Galley Registration at some society houses.
      • Craft items – All members can use the society house to craft guild items by pressing [Fifty] to open the crafting window and using the Guild Crafting option.

      Galley Send

      The Galley is a order ship which tin be used by officers or the society primary. Galleys have four cannons on each side and can only be built at certain guild housing or by completing the quest [Club] I have a Dream. You employ [Lodge] Cannon Ball for Send to use the cannons on the ship, these are sold at a social club Wharf NPC. The galley is repairable and you can also apply workers on the ship for additional stats.

      What you will need

      To begin, yous will need the following guild skills (total of 17 skill points):

      • Building Gunkhole Lv. 1– This skill will permit y'all to craft the ship registration. The skill costs 10 guild skill points.
      • Building Boat Lv. 2– This skill volition let you toarts and crafts blue course ship parts. The skill costs 2 guild skill points.
      • Fully PreparedThis skill will allow you to craft the item [Guild] Origin of Air current. The skill costs 5 guild skill points.

      You will also demand the following materials:

      • [Club] Clearance Allow x300– A [Order] Clearance Asking must exist crafted using the following materials, then exchanged at a Guild Manager NPC for a Clearance Permit.
          • [Social club] Ink x1 – Crafting Recipe: Processed Coal x2, Black Stone Powder x2
          • [Society] Parchment x1 –Crafting Recipe:  Ox Hide x2, Black Rock Powder x2
          • [Guild] Wax x1 –Crafting Recipe:  Pine Sap x2, Rough Scarlet x2
          • [Guild] Seal x1 –Crafting Recipe:  White Cedar Timber x2, Rough Translucent Crystal x2
      • [Guild] Galley Plan x25– Galley Plans are just available from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria in commutation for 1,000 amity.
      • [Club] Iron Core Timber Square x800– Iron Core Timbre Squares can be bought from a guild Wharf NPC or crafted using the following materials:
          • [Social club] Clearance Allow x1
          • Steel x2
          • Standardized Timber Square x2
          • White Cedar Sap x4
      • [Social club] Desert Blend Ingot x600– Desert Blend Ingots can exist bought from a lodge Wharf NPC or crafted using the post-obit materials:
          • [Society] Clearance Permit x1
          • Melted Vanadium Shard x5
          • Melted Titanium Shard x5
          • Legendary Creature's Blood x1
      • [Guild] Spirit-laden Plywood x1500– Spirit-laden Plywood can exist bought from a order Wharf NPC or crafted using the following materials:
          • [Guild] Clearance Let x1
          • Spirit'southward Leaf x10
          • Pine Plywood x2
          • Ruby-red Tree Lump x4
      • [Guild] Wind-laden Flax Material x160– Wind-laden Flax Fabric can be bought from a guild Wharf NPC or crafted using the post-obit materials:
          • [Guild] Clearance Permit x1
          • Flax Material x2
          • Elixir of Flowing Wind x1
          • Monk'southward Branch x1

      Finally, you volition need ane of the following society houses:

      • Guild Business firm – Olvia
      • Guild Firm – Velia
      • No. 1, Society Business firm – Altinova
      • No. two. Guild House – Altinova

      These are currently the only Guild houses that allow y'all to craft a galley.

      The total guild funds required to buy all the materials is 205,930,000 argent. Therefore, I would recommend gathering as many materials every bit you can before bidding on a society firm. Once you have everything listed above, place the materials into the gild depository financial institution and get to the guild house crafting window by clicking on the guild house from you map. You tin can transport a maximum of 200 workers to work on the send at once. Merely 1 transport can be crafted per day, with a total of three ships bachelor per guild.

      Ship Stats

      Weight Limit: 4,000 LT
      Durability (HP): i,000,000
      Lifespan (Stamina/Power): ane,000,001
      Cargo Load: v
      Acceleration: 100%
      Speed: 100%
      Turn: 100%
      Restriction: 100%

      Equally mentioned in the introduction, the Galley can be repaired and information technology too has the "Power" stat, dissimilar other ships.

      It has HP which is repairable using Ship Repair Material, crafted by chopping Plywood (whatsoever) x2. Using this will recover v,000 HP and information technology does not take a cooldown, only takes 30 seconds to apply the heal. If the boat'south HP reaches 0 information technology will disappear and can exist recovered at the Wharf.

      Information technology'southward Lifespan (Stamina/Power) depletes when sailing, like to other mounts such every bit horses. If the boat's lifespan reaches 0 the boat volition move significantly slower. Y'all can use the [Society] Informal Crystal item, which is bought from club Wharf NPCs, to recover x% of the Max Ability. This is instant just has a cooldown of lx minutes.

      Yous can also craft a more powerful version of this item chosen the [Guild] Origin of Wind. This particular recovers 50% of the Max Power and simply has a xxx minute cooldown. The recipe is: [Guild] Breezy Crystal x2, [Gild] Gluey Gum x2, [Club] Ocean Monster's Neidan x2.


      All equipment tin can be enhanced using Blackness Rock (Armor) to raise to +5, and then Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) to enhance up to +x. If the enhancement fails from +five and upwards, the level will go down by 1.

      Listing of equipment y'all tin can purchase from Club Wharf NPCs:

      • [Club] Galley: Bronze Prow Statue – The Statuary Prow costs 7 one thousand thousand silvery and will give your ship DP +x, Speed +i% and can exist enhanced for an increment of DP +i, Speed +0.5% each fourth dimension.
      • [Guild] Galley: High Wind SailThe Loftier Current of air Sail costs 6.five million silvery and will requite your ship Max Power +thousand, Plow +1% and can be enhanced for an increase of Max Power +200, Turn +0.2% each time.
      • [Guild] Galley: Maria CannonThe Maria Cannon costs 8 million silverish and will give your ship AP +x, HP +yard  and tin exist enhanced for an increase of AP  +one, HP +500 each time.
      • [Guild] Galley: Enhanced ShieldThe Enhanced Shield costs viii.5 million silver and will give your ship DP +10, Weight Limit +100 LT  and can be enhanced for an increase of DP +1, Weight Limit +ten LT  each time.

      List of equipment you must craft (using a guild house – requires the guild skill Edifice Gunkhole Lv. 2):

      • [Order] Galley: Steller's Sea Eagle Prow The Sea Eagle Prow will requite your transport DP +20, Speed +ii% and can be enhanced for an increase of DP +1, Speed +0.8% each fourth dimension.
          • Crafting recipe: [Guild] Clearance Permit x50, [Order] Ficy Workshop Special Statuary Ingot Box x60, [Guild] Sticky Glue x50, [Guild] Sea Horn x2
      • [Club] Galley: Cloud Breeze Sail The Cloud Breeze Sail will give your ship Max Power +2000, Turn +2% and can be enhanced for an increase of Max Power  +400, Plow +0.four% each fourth dimension.
          • Crafting recipe: [Guild] Clearance Permit x50, [Guild] Lavania Finest Flax Textile Packet x150, [Guild] Tough Silk Thread x250, [Guild] Stormy Rope x50
      • [Club] Galley: Sophia Cannon The Sophia Cannon will give your ship AP +20, HP +5000  and can be enhanced for an increase of AP  +ane.5, HP +3000 each time.
          • Crafting recipe: [Guild] Clearance Permit x50, [Lodge] Goddess'due south Tear Crystal x4, [Guild] Special Iron Ingot from Calpheon Workshop x16, [Guild] Sandy Ingot x80
      • [Social club] Galley: Enhanced Blue Plating The Enhanced Blue Plating will give your ship DP +xx, Weight Limit +150 LT  and can exist enhanced for an increase of DP +1.five, Weight Limit +xx LT  each time.
          • Crafting recipe: [Guild] Clearance Let x50, [Social club] Trent Treant Plywood x120, [Guild] Crude Decoration x40, [Guild] Cloudy Timber x50


      You lot can use workers on your sailboat to increase your ship stats:

      • Man Sailor
          • Sold by Lodge Wharf NPCs
          • Price: ii,500,000 silver
          • Increases stat: Dispatch +1%
      • Dwarf Sailor
          • Sold by Society Wharf NPCs
          • Toll: 2,500,000 silverish
          • Increases stat: Turn +i%
      • Goblin Sailor
          • Sold past Guild Wharf NPCs
          • Price: ii,500,000 silver
          • Increases stat: Speed +1%
      • Behemothic Sailor
          • Sold by Guild Wharf NPCs
          • Toll: 2,500,000 silver
          • Increases stat: Braking +1%

      To promote the workers, you will demand grand Amity with Dichzy Borne at Lema Island. This will unlock the Sailor Promotion quests which you must complete to proceeds the skilled contracts, increasing the worker stats to +3%. You must as well purchase contract renewals from the Gild Wharf NPC to extend the length of your worker's contract.


      Yous volition need a certain level of sailing skill to utilise special skills on your sailboat. Skills as well use upwardly your ships power stat.

      Sailing Skill Skill Proper name What it does How to use it
      Beginner one Ram Travels forwards for five seconds and rams into targets to damage them. Stops the ship for ii seconds subsequently. Q
      Amateur 1 Power Accel. Apply whilst the ship is standing still to apace accelerate for 8 seconds then return to the ships maximum speed. SPACE + West
      Skilled ane Breezy Sail Accelerate the send for ten seconds then returns the ship to it'due south maximum speed. SHIFT + W
      Professional 1 Swift Retreat Rapidly reverse the ship S
      Artisan 1 Abrupt Turn Quickly turn on the spot S+ A/D
      Master 1 Smoothen Turn Apace turn whilst moving A/D
      Guru ane Bullseye Shortens cannon reloading time Passive

      Check these out before you lot go!


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