what does it mean to be a citizen from the immigrant contribution

Hamilton and the "Skilful, the Bad, and the Ugly"

The Play

A few weeks ago, I had the fortune of seeing Hamilton on Broadway. Much has been written about the show's brilliance – the music, the story, the visuals. All of these things are true. As a sometime history major, though, I found the historical aspect of it virtually interesting.

The play begins in 1776 as America begins its revolution against the British. From there, it tackles the questions of who had a right to "life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness" and who exactly "Nosotros, the People" was (along with questions nearly the construction of the federal government). It also looks at Hamilton'southward own personal history. He rises as an immigrant "from the bottom." He becomes Washington's right hand man. He writes the Federalist Papers and becomes Secretary of the Treasury. And he has a fall from grace equally he becomes embroiled in an extramarital affair and his ideas about the federal regime become unpopular.

History during My Travels

This close examination of Hamilton and early America made think of something I heard oft on my trip: that people, schools, and our country broadly demand to reckon with the "good, the bad, and the ugly" of American history. I was honestly surprised to hear people say this. I causeless that most people – especially of an older generation – would desire us to emphasize what makes America the "greatest state on globe." And there was some of that: people mentioned the unique nature of the Constitution, the American melting pot (our power to integrate immigrants; of class, the melting pot tin can also have a negative connotation for forced assimilation), and America'southward leadership in the world (particularly during World War II).

Only many people of all ages and backgrounds said that as important as these accomplishments are, the negative parts of our history are every bit important. To understand modernistic America, and the work that remains to be done, nosotros demand to understand slavery and Jim Crow. To truly come to grips with our past, nosotros tin't stop at slavery as our just sin. At that place's the fact that we massacred hundred of thousands of indigenous people (and the ones who survived nosotros forced onto limited lands). At that place's as well our long history of anti-immigrant sentiment that people felt we often didn't discuss (because we like to think of ourselves as a melting pot of sorts).

The Brilliance of Hamilton

The claiming of looking at history can be that it's really easy to just tell the good, or really piece of cake to allow all of the significant bad delegitimize any of the important practiced. But what I loved almost Hamilton is that it didn't fall into either of these traps.

Throughout the play, there were several references to the exclusive nature of "we, the people" at our founding. It talked nearly slavery and its expose of the founding American ideals. But information technology also highlighted – through the part of King George III – that America's founding ideals did have some significance. It was the first time that an idea of "citizen" became relevant in the world. Before then, all people were subjects to monarchs. At the same time, the play highlighted the anti-immigrant sentiment and class resentment that fabricated Hamilton'due south success frustrating for the other founders. America and the men and women who created it weren't monolithic. Some were good, some were bad. Most were products of their historic period.

And that's the attribute of the play that excited me most. It looked at Hamilton as a whole, rounded character. The show treats him as overly aggressive and philandering. It also captures his brilliance and commitment to ideals. He believed an elite-driven republic, similar most people did during that time. Only he also believe that regime had a duty to all of its people. Hamilton, like all of our founders, wasn't a perfect hero. He had some skilful, some bad, and some ugly parts of him, just like America then and now.

As people think about how the past influences the nowadays, it'south worth thinking virtually the parts of American history we respect near and criticize most. Most people volition take dissimilar answers. But this framework of "good, bad, and ugly" can exist a productive one in conversations that are often uncomfortable.

P.Southward. For what it's worth, here's a "good, bad, ugly" for me of American history:

  1. The adept: The defeat of Nazi's and the Soviet Wedlock (tyrannical countries that killed millions of their own citizens)
  2. The bad: Our treatment of other land'due south sovereignties (Vietnam, Southward Korea, many Latin American countries during the Cold War)
  3. The ugly: Slavery, non just for the obvious moral reasons, just because America continued to practice (and even grow) the use of slaves long afterwards many countries barred the practise (in other words, it'southward not just that America was a "production of its fourth dimension"; information technology went above and beyond in an already horrible, inhumane practice)

Universities and Civic Life

Today, I published an article for the Washington Post Fabricated by History section on the history of campus conflicts (meet it hither). Because of that, I wanted to post a conversation I recently had with Jim Gelb, who works for the California State University system. He lives in Washington and works with the federal government on policy relating to higher teaching. His experience has given him a unique perspective regime and education.

How the federal authorities affects us:

I think people don't accept a very skilful agreement of what information technology really is that the federal authorities does that affects their daily lives. Federal policy affects our health, our ability to communicate, our commerce system. People don't realize that. And people have no idea how much anything costs in relative terms.

The tax bill is a bully example. Taxes bear on a lot of things that aren't just taxes, both on a local scale and a larger calibration.

People need to understand federal and state responsibilities:

There's a division of responsibilities between state and federal regime. College education is a good example. Higher pedagogy is primarily state responsibility, fifty-fifty if it has important national implications. National defense force is a federal 1 of grade.

The role of universities:

It's hugely important that universities ready people equally citizens. I've seen the total spectrum of universities. But as someone who works for the largest network of bachelors system in the land, the office of the academy is that information technology provides opportunity, and ideally, success for vast numbers of individuals who come from commencement generation families, depression-income families, people who don't accept congenital into their economical pathway a birthright to higher instruction.

A expert academy organization can make sure there'due south opportunity, access, and success. That'southward not just measured economically. Information technology's too measured in improving lives of individuals and communities. Universities are working on inquiry that tin can help solve bug.

Campus conflicts are overstated:

A lot of things get picked up in the press and political globe are anecdotes that are real but not are not indicative of life on campuses. These stories go highlighted for a diverseness of reasons, but they don't capture what campus life is like. For the almost role, people are focused on other things – academics, friends. There's always been conflict on higher campus. I'm not sure that things are really different right at present.

From my experience with the campuses I work with, information technology'due south a pocket-size office of a much broader set of things. It'south non unimportant, only it's overemphasized.

How people of unlike political leanings expect at each other in his globe:

I retrieve in the world that I operate in, people would say one some other are good citizens. I say that every bit office of the higher ed community and every bit someone who lives in the DC community that's very political. There are a lot of people on unlike sides of issues, and people are friends. Nigh people requite each other the benefit of the doubt for being engaged and thoughtful. But D.C. might be dissimilar.

What it means to be an American:

It means you lot're incredibly fortunate. For most of us, it'south an accident of nascency. Here we are, born in this place and time. I think well-nigh this every bit a Jew. I have a family fellow member who was a kid survivor of the Holocaust. He had family that didn't get in. That easily could have been us.

What we can all practice to exist better Americans:

I think we take to work to recognize our assumptions and biases. They're at that place, and we should be open to examining them. Look for common basis, non look for reinforcement of our assumptions


After 11 weeks on the road, 191 interviews, and 20-5 states, I returned abode Tuesday evening. Opening the gate to my house, seeing my dog, and eating bootleg food were much-needed. Peanut butter sandwiches and spending every night alone are not the virtually enjoyable combination!

Although I was exhausted by the end, this trip was eye-opening and inspiring. I met people of all walks of life, of all creeds, of all races and ethnicities, and of all political leanings. I saw the state, from the Great Lakes to the Rockies, from the heart of downtown Detroit to the back roads of Maurepas, Louisiana.

Our country faces many challenges ahead, only I am heartened to hear that almost people are aware of them and want to face them. People know polarization is a problem. They know we've stopped listening. About people I spoke with acknowledge that racism is a long and powerful truth in this country, a road cake to much of our progress and something that we must address.

There were, of course, disagreements. Some want stronger borders while others welcome immigrants with open arms. Many Republicans feel that Democrats don't respect President Trump the way a President should be respected. Many Democrats feel that started with the style Republicans talked about Barack Obama.

Just ultimately, virtually people I talked with want to be skilful citizens, and believe that political party says nothing about citizenship.

I realize, though, that despite that nosotros might say that, we don't act on it. We don't seek out difference and disagreement. We shout at each other and at our TV screens. We ignore news that upsets usa and revel in headlines that affirm our opinions.

We can't go along doing these things and except these problems to get meliorate. If we want to genuinely be good citizens – not only say we are – we take to stride outside of our condolement zones, read new newspapers and lookout new TV channels. We demand to get to know our neighbors, even if they wait different from us, talk dissimilar from us, and believe different things than nosotros practise. Nosotros demand to help the needy, regardless of whether we think information technology's the government's job to.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be publishing some interviews from the trip as well equally another thoughts. I'd love to hear any ideas people have about the things they've read hither or elsewhere. For now, though, I'1000 going to savour being home!

A Niggling Blue Dot in a Sea of Cerise

Melvin Priester Jr. is an attorney in Jackson, MS, and serves equally a city quango representative. Having gone to college in the Northeast, he felt he needed to move back to his hometown to help it. Our conversation covered the challenges facing Jackson and the means all citizens can accost problems nationwide.

What he's done to contribute:

I have called to volunteer a lot of my fourth dimension and energies to work in government as a city councilman. I spend a lot of time trying to build community. I had a option to live anywhere in the world, but I chose to alive in Mississippi. If nosotros desire to strengthen the land, not every liberal person can run to the coasts. I've scarficied and worked to brand the community improve. It's the small means that add together up.

On living in a "blueish dot":

Jackson always been a little blue dot. Information technology'south actually rewarding. It's harder than beingness somewhere like San Francisco or New York because people don't share your same views. But it's really rewarding when y'all find people who are fighting the adept fight. It's besides really fulfilling considering I tin run into change happening. Things that got washed in California or New York are but beginning to happen hither. But you're beginning to see positive change. That'southward what is so frightening to me well-nigh the current president. I feel like he's pushing this current divisiveness that nosotros were getting passed in America.

Gender and race in Jackson:

Jackson is fourscore% African-American in a country that is only thirty% African-American. While race is of import in the relationship with the state governments, the real issues are classicism, religion, and sexism. We're so focused on racism and religion, but we but miss the sexism. There's still a lot of hesitance to having women in charge in professional and political circles. In that location's a real shortage of women in positions of ability in Mississippi, and that leads usa to non advance. That leads u.s. to the assumption that women will take the dorsum seat. It accelerates our brain drain. Places thrive when women thrive, and I don't retrieve women accept been given the full opportunity to succeed here.

He knows some groovy citizens:

My mother and wife are exemplary citizens. They vote in every election. They help their neighborhood and communities.

The folks that I really think are exemplary citizens are people like Ms. Francis Morris and Dr. Drake, who run neighborhood organizations. They make sure earlier whatever one even builds a dog business firm that it's adept for the whole community. Robert Putnam talks near how these institutions that bring us together are fading away. The people I betoken to who are actually nifty citizens build neighborhood organizations and block clubs that create block-by-cake cohesiveness.

Have Porter Ross. He runs a neighborhood organization in Berwood. It's non a rich neighborhood. Every month, I as a urban center councilman and other city leaders are there every month at the Azalea Lane Berwood meeting. Because Mr. Ross makes sure people are there! These people are the ideal citizens, and they're a throwback.

His thoughts on political division:

The manner you lot phrase the question tin create opposite answers, so I don't trust polling. But I do think that at that place are more and more people who would say that people of the opposite political party are bad citizens.

There are policies that can brand someone a bad citizen. Whatever policy that tries to forestall someone else other than yourself from fully participating in the autonomous process. Things that hurt people'south ability to vote. Things that limit a women's access to nascence command is not good citizenship because information technology limits her autonomy.

What it means to be an American:

Being an American means sharing sure beliefs, such as a conventionalities in the rights enshrined in the Constitution. At that place's not one American mindset. But I do call back Americans – fifty-fifty at their worst – take a very optimistic world view. I believe that being an American means you lot believe in freedom or liberty, even if you lot disagree with other people's utilize of them. There's a certain pride nosotros have. And rightfully so. No matter what our problems are, I would not want to be a denizen of whatever other land. I'grand proud of and dear America, and I think most people experience that way, fifty-fifty when they're protesting.

His advice to young people who want to get involved:

Vote! E'er vote. Even if it'southward for the dog catch or the country prosecutor! Never miss an election. The next state and national leader gets their first in those elections.

Get involved in local politics. Get involved in a entrada. Go to urban center meetings. I call back on a local level, you meet a lot more positive outcomes and hopefulness.

Exist a member of something. Whether information technology's the NAACP, ACLU, or a neighborhood clan, exist involved.

Get off the internet. Stop using Reddit. Delete Facebook. The earth gets a lot improve when yous pull yourself off the net.

If Women Ruled the World

Holly Smith lives in Jackson, Mississippi, and works for an accounting firm that helps cities manage their finances after disasters. Having traveled all over the country, and having spent her life as a Democrat in a "ocean of cherry-red," she believes talking to each other and respect for women are the keys to fixing many of club's problems.

How she engages as a citizen:

I'm engaged with civics organizations. I have an interest in current events. I endeavour to stay updated on the bug that are affecting our country (so that I sound funny at cocktail parties!). As a authorities consultant, I need to know. Information technology'south actually of import to be well-informed. Equally a millennial, we know that there's a lot of fake news. We were brought upwards to exist in the know.

What makes living in Jackson interesting:

Jackson is an interesting identify. It's a pocket-sized bluish dot in a sea of scarlet. Date, civic appointment, politics are all centered effectually the church. Past definition of the fact that Mississippi is in the Bible Belt, people go to church building to go the politics. It's a lot easier to engage; people can telephone call my husband (a city council representative) and reach him. Because people can admission their officials, they're very engaged.

How we need to be thinking about people across the aisle:

I call back, in general, well-nigh people are good humans. Whether blue or red, Dem or Republican, people are expert. Different cultures and means of thinking require us to come across people where they are. Most people on both sides of the aisle can't grasp that or have that. My mother is a Republican. She'south born in Mississippi and is a church-born Christian. So I know what she's coming from, who she's talking to. Just being able to recognize that is important.

How we can achieve that understanding:

Just talking. A lot of people are scared to talk. The thing correct now is, "I'm not into politics." If you lot voted, if y'all have an opinion on whatsoever subject that depends on voting, you are political. I believe we should have mandatory voting. We should go out of our condolement zone. Go talk to someone who doesn't wait similar you or talk like you. And go involved in local politics. All politics are local.

Her thoughts on gender and order:

If women ruled the world, a lot of the bug would be solved. With the national chat shifting to women and this role they take always been expected to play, the conversation is changing. I talked to someone else earlier today and said, yous can't be what you can't meet. Until we see more than women in the elected ranks and important roles, we won't see change. We are conditioned to see deputy roles as the roles for u.s. (as women). Sexism in the S is a product of religion. It's truly still taught every Dominicus that women serve their husbands. Women can't be preachers or leaders. There are churches where women tin't speak, let lone lead.

I'm besides a true believer that the oppressed cannot bring themselves out of their situation; the oppressor must. Women can't modify their situations themselves. At some bespeak, people will get tone-deaf to women being in the streets. Men need to say this is an consequence and nosotros need to fix information technology. Men need to recognize women as valuable members of society and as having expertise they might non. Everyone has different expertise to bring to the table. It'southward beneficial to have a seat for everyone at the table.

The biggest trouble facing the United states:

Since the financial crisis, the biggest problem is financial inequality. More than so than sexism, racism, any of the isms, socioeconomic class determines your part in society. Information technology'southward very hard to pull people out of poverty, keep them out of poverty, and ensure their descendants are pulled out of poverty.

A disaster to someone at a poverty level is one of the worst things that could ever happen to a person. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, and a disaster obliterates your firm, you're screwed. You take to depend on the Federal Government, and equally we know, the Federal Government, specially in its current leadership, isn't very practiced with helping the most vulnerable in our society. It'southward a capitalist order. Information technology's not quasi-similar the Nordic countries. It'due south this bootstrap mentality that has definitely been unfortunate for a lot of people.

What it ways to exist an American:

To some extent, it does mean you lot are gratis. It means you are costless to alive your life how you see fit. The fact that we're still fighting over abortion and LGBTQ rights means we don't have it all figured out, though.

I feel like I am in command of my destiny, just I know that's a privileged argument equally a white woman. We have a lot of opportunities people in other countries don't have.

How we can all ameliorate our country:

Vote. That's what nosotros could practice. The voting record in this country is abysmal, and information technology's why I think the person who is in power is in ability.

Mandatory Service

Colonel Michael Demirjian is originally from San Diego, California and has served in the United States Army since 1989. Our conversation covered mandatory service, 9/eleven, and how everyone can improve equally citizens. This interview is the last I'll mail service from my time at Fort Rucker.

How he contributes as a denizen:

I believe I am a good denizen. The reason being, looking at the definition, I was born hither, I follow the laws. Is there more I could do? Absolutely. There's ever more that you can practise. My contribution to our citizenry is my service in the military. I am a firm believer that everyone should exercise something to give dorsum to this country. From the non-political standpoint, giving back is important.

His upbringing made him the citizen he is:

The military didn't teach me most being a good citizen. My upbringing did. Born and raised Roman Catholic, a lot of my morals and values came from that upbringing. Whether or non I believe in the doctrine now doesn't matter. The religion helped shape my views along the way. Growing up in the church I gave back to the community; I helped others. I grew up in a fairly conservative eye class area, and information technology wasn't perfect, but people paid their taxes and obeyed the laws.

Small things matter for good citizenship:

The last place I lived that wasn't predominantly war machine was a series of town-houses. There was a perception that one of the people was subletting their house. Is that person a expert citizen? No, I don't recollect and so. They're not following the expectations of that community.

How he thinks most people could ameliorate equally citizens:

I don't have facts or figures to back this up. A lot of my ideas are based on perception. I recollect people could sympathize the need to give back to the country more. I besides retrieve everyone would do well to take an appetite suppressant on thinking the government owes them everything. A lot of people, I go the feeling, think that the government owes them a lot. The government wasn't designed to give you things. Its job is to found policies for the safe and efficient running of the country.

He thinks anybody should serve in some capacity:

People tin can volunteer to requite back to less fortunate people; they can serve in the military; they can serve in the government. Whether it's Ameri-Corps or Peace Corps, these organizations do a tremendous further the values of our country. My hat is off to folks in the State Department. I had a run a risk to work with several from the State Section a few years agone, and those people do a tremendous amount to assist America and promote our values.

I love General McCrystal'due south idea of required service; it doesn't matter how you serve. But you should feel that want to give back to your country. Whether or not you like all the policies or procedures that go on, it doesn't matter. Information technology's your land. At that place are more ways to give back than serving in the armed services. Exist a teacher! I'thou a huge, huge fan of that. It might actually help close some of the separate we come across amid people right now.

He was in the Pentagon on nine/11:

Ane of the neatest things I recollect is that I was in the Pentagon on nine/xi. Equally we were getting ready to leave for the twenty-four hour period, all traffic had stopped coming into the Pentagon area. I lived in Springfield at the time, and I'one thousand wondering: how am I going to get habitation? There was no mass transit. So I just started walking toward a place to become a cab.

I'm there in my uniform, with the guy who was the skipper of the United states of americaS Cole when it was bombed. Some random person saw us and said, "Hey, where do you need to go?" Is that person a good citizen? Absolutely. Helping someone else out, not knowing a single thing about us, simply knowing something happened, and helping us out.

How attitudes towards the armed services take changed:

I've seen a change since 1989 when I first joined. Since 2001, there'southward a big, big difference. At present, immediately, when people find out I'm military machine, they say, "Cheers for your service." I capeesh that, but perhaps that person could serve? I don't remember anyone ever proverb that to me from 1989-2001.

(There'due south also an interesting disconnect). If you look at what our country did in World State of war Two, and compare it to what nosotros're doing in wars now, information technology's completely dissimilar. In World War Ii, it was a full nation effort. Everybody was doing stuff – factories, doctors. At present, we've been at state of war seventeen years, and I guarantee there are people who don't know nosotros still accept forces in Bosnia.

What it means to be an American:

Being an American means you have the rights associated with the country, and you're willing to defend those rights. Information technology besides means agreement not everything will be perfect, but we also have to know nosotros accept the best opportunities in the world. Finally, yous can always make a divergence.

A Felon Happy That He Couldn't Vote

Matula Kiladi is a rapper based in El Paso, Texas. Every bit a onetime felon, he says he's been fortunate that he has had success with his music career because he's non certain what he'd been doing otherwise. Our brief conversation covered his feel as a one-time felon, professionally and politically.

Why he's a good citizen:

I believe I am a skillful citizen. I switched up from doing bad things to doing the right things.

How he feels nigh not voting:

To me correct now, what I've seen as a convicted felon, what I saw concluding year in the election, it really didn't carp me. I really felt kind of proud I didn't vote. The ballot felt fake. It felt disrespectful. Information technology was embarrassing.

I've seen a lot of presidents and elections. I've never seen this much drama.

How music has saved him:

Once you're a felon, you're marked as a bad person. No one is going to requite yous the opportunity to be amend. I'm just blessed that I've always had music. I'grand blessed I accept a career from that. If I didn't accept that, I'd exist applying to dissimilar jobs, and it'd be difficult to get one.

America's biggest problem:

I recall 1 of the biggest problem facing America right now is Donald Trump, because of the way he carries himself. He's very disrespectful. Maybe information technology's considering he doesn't take experience (in government)? America will face a lot of lost trust in the time to come. With everything that's going on, I'yard pretty certain the world is wondering, "What's happening in America?"

What he thinks American high school students should know:

It's one of the all-time countries on earth. You're blessed to be a function of it. You accept the liberty to achieve out and work difficult for the things y'all want.

What people tin to do to be ameliorate Americans:

Give people opportunities, especially convicted felons. People who have made mistakes – mayhap they shouldn't be (seen as) a felon the residual of their lives. People should be given  a hazard, maybe a pardon of some kind.

BBQ and History in Daleville, Alabama

Chris owns Chopper's Ol' School BBQ, a eating place in Daleville, Alabama (I tin can vouch that it has awesome food). An Army veteran who served in multiple conflicts, Chris believes that our state needs to re-engage with its history and its role in the world.

How he uses his business to help others:

My restaurant offers a Thanksgiving meal on Thanksgiving, and nosotros don't charge anyone for information technology. It used to be just for military families, as my married woman and I did it when I was in the service. What we realized is that the whole community needed it. We opened it up to anybody. Merely the outpouring of additional support from members of the customs that can afford it is dandy. They donate money, fourth dimension, and food. To help other people in this customs have a good Thanksgiving meal is one of the things I look forwards to every yr. It's near a iii-twenty-four hour period process to cook everything. They exercise get smoked Turkey and hams, but it'due south still a traditional Thanksgiving meal.

He thinks people in Daleville are equally generous:

Whether people have the money or not, people are gear up to reach out and help the adjacent person. It's not a wealthy town past any stretch. But on the whole, inside this community, they may not donate money, simply at that place are and so many people who volition come out and help you lot do a service project.

People's feelings toward soldiers have inverse over time:

The fourth dimension I served was a very unlike time than when my dad served. When he served, there was 1 conflict, and that was Vietnam. It was a terrible fourth dimension in American history in terms of how American citizens treated service members.

When I first deployed, though, people didn't hesitate to send us annihilation we needed. Someone sent one of our soldiers a estimator and so he could continue in touch with his family. Sometimes people send small things like here'south a Christmas card. When yous're overseas, information technology'due south small things like that type of gesture that matter because you are so far separated.

I think there's one affair that the civilian sector sometimes forgets. When you lot're home for Christmas, or New Years Eve, that's great. Simply thousands of families are separated. Soldiers are in the Persian Gulf or in Republic of iraq, and sometimes the customs forgets that. I don't desire to say they turn a blind middle. But in some means, they experience "that was a determination they made." And they're right, I chose to serve. Just that doesn't arrive whatsoever easier on a child or a wife when the parent/partner isn't home.

As long every bit this disharmonize has gone on, I think awareness has faded unfortunately. Back up isn't every bit prevalent. Nosotros have a new generation of service members who are doing the same thing I did and aren't receiving the same support.

His thoughts on America's function in the earth:

America was built on taking intendance of the small-scale guy. That's one of the Marines' big things. Do I retrieve we should police the world? No. Should nosotros police things that tin can do impairment to our country and those we back up? If we didn't, zero would be condom. You lot'd never know if riding on the train in the United States whether something would happen. People are wanting to create bombs everywhere.

Our politicians could use a lesson from military leaders:

I think that it gets lost that our politicians who are supposed to be there for us are not in that location for u.s.a.. They're at that place for them. I was brought up in the armed forces where leaders' needs go to the wayside when compared to subordinates' needs. Y'all'll notice all the senior leaders consume last at a field camp. Yous always take care of your soldiers before you have care of yourself.

Our schools are failing to make expert citizens:

One of the thing that kind of irks me is that if someone else from another country wants to be a citizen, they have to take a exam. And I guarantee you virtually of America couldn't laissez passer that test. Nosotros take failed ourselves because we don't teach history and what it ways to be a good person.

The role of American history we demand to reckon with:

People demand to be taught the Civil War the same style everywhere. Whether y'all're in Texas or California, we need to have the same starting betoken. When people beginning talking well-nigh the Civil State of war, I ask i question to see whether they actually know the history: What is the Mason-Dixon Line? Most people don't know.

This calendar week I was up in Tennessee on a veterans ride, and we visited the largest Confederate infirmary. I establish out they have two different tours. The regular i we did, then another ane that covers all the slave stuff. They talk about the Clandestine Railroad and what slaves did during these conflicts. That's different from what I've seen, and no 1 got upset nigh it.

Slavery is a part of our history. I'm not proud of it, just it shouldn't be buried. Information technology needs to exist presented. If we don't, information technology'll happen once again.


This week, I flew to Enterprise, Alabama in order to visit Fort Rucker. While there, I had a chance to speak with active duty soldiers, their family members, and veterans. Over the next few days, I will post an interview with one person from each group.

Ashley is a stay at-home mom living in Enterprise. Originally from Tampa, Florida, she has moved all over the state with her hubby, who is a at present a lawyer for the Army (after fourth dimension as a soldier). Our conversation covered familial sacrifice and avoiding political word.

Existence married to a solider has changed her views on citizenship:

My views have changed in the terminal eight years because of my husband. I would've said I was a skillful citizen before I married Nick, but at present I experience similar it's to a whole new level considering I have to make a lot more than sacrifices for our country. Now, I do feel like I can say I am a proud American because of what I've sacrificed.

The biggest sacrifice is familial:

I grew upwards with my mom, dad, and four sisters. I never had any want to leave my hometown. We did family unit barbecues all the time. There was no reason for me to look outside that expanse; it had everything I needed.

Then I met Nick. I gave up my family. I gave up knowing everybody. I graduated college, got married ii days later, and never went back. When we got married, nosotros left and went to Texas. Thanksgivings and Christmas were now by ourselves. I went from having a huge family that I was a part of to having my husband be my family unit.

Being a armed forces spouse has shown me he truly is my family. We've had to brand each other family, as opposed to my parents, grandparents, and siblings. Nosotros moved here final July, and Holly and Chris (my hosts and some other military machine family) had united states of america over considering I couldn't go home. People like them are our new family unit.

What about citizens tin't empathise:

I call back most people are proficient citizens. Merely they don't get the sacrifice.

Nick was deployed for 15 months. He left October of 2007 and came home January of 2009. He missed two Thanksgivings and two Christmases. My sister was sitting at that place complaining nearly everything on Christmas. And I was so irritated because she was given this gift to be surrounded by everyone she loves. I was thinking how other people would give anything to have their loved ones here.

Almost people don't have the power to understand it. When I move to new places, I have to fill out emergency contact cards for my kids at schoolhouse that have iii people in the area who the school can contact, which is hard when you don't know anyone.

I recollect most people however honor American values, honour the flag, honor what our state stands for. Only they don't understand the sacrifices people are actually making.

She doesn't talk about politics with people:

People tin exist so shut minded when they're passionate almost something. One of the reasons I actually didn't do very much in the election is that I have my stance, but it's like, I don't need to testify it. I'm an educated woman, someone doesn't need to cram something down my throat trying to change my ideas.

I don't discuss politics with my hubby. I just don't want to know anyone's politics. I'd rather see everybody for who they are, not who they vote for.

Her problem with how we talk about politics:

What I feel like happens in our country, especially around election fourth dimension, people don't tell you lot the good candidates volition practice. They bespeak our the other side's flaws. I desire to see a candidate for how they'll improve tomorrow, non all the things incorrect with them.

She tries to shield her son from the bad parts of American politics:

I wanted to shelter Andrew (my son) from all the candidate-bashing. When the bulk speaks, that'due south who's President. When he saw people burning things down after the election, I was upset. I want him to empathise you can brand a alter by not doing that.

In that location are also things Trump has said and washed that are only horrific. So, we'd say to Andrew, our son, it's non okay that Trump does this. We'd ask, what'southward a improve way to become our point a cross?

What information technology ways to exist an American:

I remember it ways working together for the greater skilful. I don't feel like that's happening right at present; there'due south a lot of division. I'd like to recall that our forefathers when they wrote the Constitution, and when Betsy Ross sewed the flag, wanted unity. I think they wanted us to recognize how far we've come and work together to go along that work going.

Everyone who is passionate well-nigh something and wants to make change for the better is an exemplary denizen.

Citizenship in the Philippines and the U.S.

Jennifer Chavez is the Executive Banana to the Head of School at the Manzano 24-hour interval Schoolhouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. An immigrant from the Philippines, she loves America and thinks opportunities are endless here. Our chat covered gender, immigration, and America's big trouble.

Why she's a good citizen:

I do believe I am a expert citizen. I'chiliad self-sufficient. I provide in the world. I don't need a crutch to survive. I give to charities. I follow the rules and vote. I'grand not a bleed on society, which I think is a huge problem in America.

Her brother is an exemplary citizen:

I think my brother is an exemplary citizen. He came here from the Philippines and has served in multiple wars. He'south served through all kinds of different things. He's disabled at present, has strokes, but he still has total-fourth dimension piece of work and keeps his household. He's proud, very proud to be an American. He'south non judgmental; he accepts differences.

Existence a female denizen is quite unlike in the U.S. than the Philippines:

So much is different as a female in the Philippines. Information technology's really hard to be a female anywhere. Just females are actually respected here (in the U.S.), for who we are and how we are. Nosotros're asked opinions. We're equal in that we're not afraid of each other. I think a lot of men in other places are afraid of women. I take an education, I tin go a chore, go to the grocery store, vote. There, y'all can't.

People often don't realize she's from the Philippines:

I've admittedly been confused equally Mexican. I'yard always asked, "What practice you think equally a Mexican?" I can be sarcastic most it. And that'southward okay. People forget Americans all bleed the aforementioned fifty-fifty if they look different.

Someone told my husband, who's darker than I am, "Trump was right nearly you Mexicans."

Her thoughts on immigration:

It's a tough question (about DACA recipients). But they're here, and they've been here awhile. They deserve every bit much opportunity as the people who are born here. They're taking opportunities Americans don't want. They're productive. It's wrong that people want to take that fashion. They're doing it!

They too shouldn't have their parents away either. They're improving themselves, their families, and society. There's not a pediatric allergist here in New Mexico. Then if an immigrant comes hither who tin practice that, they're saving lives.

Nosotros need a mindset shift:

We need to accept people for who they are and stop thinking we're better than other people. We're different, but we have the aforementioned common goal.

What she sees as America's big problem:

I recollect we live in a sympathetic order, where we lack accountability. I call up it's very distressing. It's always someone else's problem. People had a bad babyhood, or a bad mom; people always have reasons why they aren't productive And our society is so sympathetic, this is stroked. You lot can exist this person who this happened to, and information technology's okay, people volition support you.

From a non-American bespeak of view, every bit someone who came here from the Philippines, my mom came hither to America to be all things she couldn't be, to go all the things she wanted. She'south accountable for herself. No matter how tough information technology is, you have to become an adult, go productive.

I retrieve that's why a lot of people are coming to America. Americans aren't using all this country has to offer, and we're upset people are coming hither taking information technology from us. But we aren't using information technology.

Do and be all that you can be. My father and brother were in the service. I want them to be proud of all that I've done in this country. I desire them not to experience like they came for nothing.

Her piece of communication to Americans:

Opportunities are endless. Open up every unmarried door. Figure information technology out. In America, you tin do whatsoever yous want.

What information technology means to be an American:

It'south such a privilege and an award. I think the compassion people show when they come together is what I'thou well-nigh proud of.


Source: http://citizensstory.com/

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