LucasArts' Jim Ward Interviewed in San Jose Mercury News


Jim Ward, President of LucasArts and flow chairman of the Amusement Software Association, recently spoke in an interview with the San Jose Mercury Word, covering topics ranging from the console wars to the politicization of videogames, as wellspring Eastern Samoa his efforts to bring LucasArts back to prominence in the industriousness.

"George is always on us about this," He said, referring to efforts to bring heightened depth and emotion to futurity game releases. "It's like, 'Guys, you're showing me swell technology, and then you get and try to wrap a history around it. And the story's really thin, so it's not fun. Forget the tech for a second. I assume you'll be able to figure out the tech. Come in with a big story.'"

He said he believes Microsoft has its "head in the right place" with its efforts to broaden the gaming hearing, particularly through the Xbox Live service, which He sees as vital to the future of videogames. "Certainly their head is absolutely in the right situatio in damage of XBox Live and Xbox Live Arcade and all of those types of persistent online opportunities, because that in essence is active to pass on us the back-end revenue stream that we so painfully require," he said.

He also claimed that Sony appears to have failed to recognize the need to widen the gamer demographic, saying that a combining of high-priced computer hardware and its in-star sign-developed games are failing to make the system adequately convenient. Nintendo's Wii console has not "exchanged thinking" at LucasArts despite its runaway popularity, reported to Ward, although the company did pass a platform for evolution once the breadth of its winner became clear.

Asked virtually his role at the ESA, Ward implied that the industry's current situation with regard to anti-videogame efforts is a delicate one, saying, "At any moment, if some kid in West Old Dominion State goes and blows away 32 citizenry, and they found unsuccessful that atomic number 2 played a videogame, guess what, we've got a problem again." Ultimately, he said, it becomes a question of protected speech in the U.S. "To the highest degree importantly – and this is a feeling arrangement you either bribe into or not – you have to believe in the sanctity of First Amendment rights," he aforementioned. "We trust you give birth to protect that, irrespective what."


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